I blinked

Hey people,

So I’m almost leaving to Germany. Just about half an hour ago I was riding a bike. I haven’t been on a bike in years. It got me thinking, I’m leaving everything behind, junior year, 6 AP’s, prom, my friends, family, food, everything. All just to go to some country whose language I don’t even know, whose food I’ve never eaten, and to be somewhere I’ve never even seen. It seems like its only been a second since I sent in my application on December 11th, 2016, just a little before midnight. In 54 days I’ll be stepping on an air plane with 49 other students and taking an 8 hour flight to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It seems like it has only been a mili- second  since I was told I was a finalist. A micro- second since I realized I was leaving my family. And in zepto- second it’s going to be August 11th, 2017. This being I want to leave a letter for myself to see in the future.

Dear future me,

I really hope that your German has extended past “Ich heiße Yaismin und ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt”. How is Germany working out for you? How’s the food? How are the people. How did you handle being away from your family for so long. Have you met anyone? Did you grow? Right now while I’m sitting on my bed I have so many question that I have zero answers for. Right now I have probably a better vocabulary and hold on spanish than you do as you’re reading this. Que a pasado en estos meses? Como te as disfrutado en Alemania? Te recuerdas de todas tus amiagas que estan en la high school? Y todo las fiestas que as perdido por estando en Alemania. El bautizo de tus primos, los quince de tu amiga, los cumpleaños de toda tu familia. But hey I’m sure you’re having so much fun. As of now you still believe that everyone has a good side and needs someone to help show it. You also believe that there are so many corrupt governments throughout this whole world and there needs to be a major change asap. Today you also found out that you’ve lost another person to cancer. It sucks doesn’t it. Do me a favor and check if the “Chinos” is still open when you get back. Also check the children’s hospital to make sure others haven’t also left. Do you still have that blue necklace? I’m very curious. How about the sand dollar that they gave you from South Carolina? Have you bought that big ball gown that I said I was going to buy? Have you had a sleepover with your German friends? Do you miss your friends back home (Eliz, Josh, Carmen, Sumaya, Kelly, Carlos etc)? Have you gone to a soccer game? Ready (well try) Harry Potter in German?


No, but seriously what has changed? Are you(we) the same person from when you left the US? What quote do you live by now?

Overall, remember that you are who you are and you should never lose your identity. You are a proud Mexican-American. Proud to be Latina and Hispanic. Proud that your first language was Spanish. Proud of your family and family traditions. Proud to be who you are. Never lose who you are proud of the most. Do not let anyone who will try to judge you and bring you down, don’t give them the satisfaction.

I hope you are well,


If I somehow didn’t bore you to death, thank you for sticking until the end. New update for a month before, two weeks before, a week before, and the day before. Let’s see where life takes us and I hope you stick around to see my journey in Germany.

June 18th, 2017 10.54pm

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